Later than lunchtime drawing: Stop ahead sign shadow on building entrance on West 11th Street.
Later than lunchtime drawing: At my studio taking a break from drawing to make a drawing.
Lunchtime drawing: At the corner of West 11th St. And Greenwich St. in the West Village, looking at a brick building penned in red ink.
Lunchtime Drawing: The most awesome (and only) house on Charles Street in the West Village that just happens to be where Goodnight Moon was written. More info at
Celebrating two months of a drawing a day: Wines Liquor sign at Imperial Vintner on Hudson St. Good choice, right? Also, I love how this place was mentioned in this NYTimes article: Can Mom-and-Pop Shops Survive Extreme Gentrification?
Lunchtime drawing: East 92nd Street is colder and windier.
Lunchtime drawing: Mini-glacier or large ice and snow pile, you decide. At Central Park’s Engineers’ Gate.
Later than lunchtime drawing: Gnarly tree in Central Park. I’m nearing two months of making a drawing a day!
Later than lunchtime drawing: West Village building top at last moment of twilight.
Lunchtime drawing: Dumbo Carousel and the Brooklyn Bridge.