
Nick Golebiewski is an artist using distinct processes, including painting, super 8 film and shadow puppet performances, to demystify urban culture and city life, with a studio in the Brooklyn Navy Yard. His “Nick’s Lunchbox Service” drawing-a-day project is starting its seventh year without missing a day.

Nick grew up in Buffalo, NY and got a BFA in painting from the University at Buffalo. He spent a semester in Florence, Italy, studying painting restoration. After graduating Nick participated in an art collective called Kamikaze with other recent grads. We took over two buildings in Buffalo. One didn’t have heat, water or electricity, but we lived, worked, and exhibited art there together. Then he moved to NYC, and turned to Super 8 film, drawing, and shadow puppet performances. Currently he’s painting in his studio in the Brooklyn Navy Yard, and probably rode his bicycle to get there.

Nick’s last name is pronounced like this: “Go-wem-bee-eff-ski”, in Polish, it would read “Gołębiewski”.

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Photo: Adrian Knowler