Lunchtime drawing: swissmiss studio. A view of the Empire State Building, and a giant inflatable doughnut. Thank you for having me by.
Lunchtime drawing: Tree and the stone wall that forever divides Fifth Avenue from Central Park.
Lunchtime drawing: “If you love your freedom thank a Veteran” hot dog cart outside the Guggenheim Museum, with metal circles inlaid in the sidewalk.
Later than lunchtime drawing: Looking down John Street at the Manhattan and Brooklyn Bridges in DUMBO, outside my art studio building.
Lunchtime drawing: Building entrance with a bunch of stairs on Jane St. between Hudson St. and 8th Ave. in the West Village.
Lunchtime drawing: Mark di Suvero sculpture in Zuccotti Park, after LMCC open studios.
Much later than lunchtime drawing: Irish pub that could be any Irish pub in midtown to celebrate a friend’s new job/farewell.
Lunchtime drawing: Street cleaning no parking sign on E. 91st St with Central Park behind.