Tag: northernmanhattanartsalliance
June 26, 2016 at 12:40PM
Lunchtime #drawing: Red flowers and the George Washington Bridge in the distance at Fort Tryon Park’s Heather Garden, on the way to my #InwoodDrawings exhibition reception today 6/26, 1-6pm at the L-Gallery at Cornerstone Studios, 178 Bennett Ave. (at W 189th St), 3rd Floor. If you go please say hi, I’ll be there the whole…
June 18, 2016 at 06:04PM
Lunchtime #drawing: Wow, this is the 900th consecutive daily drawing in my #NicksLunchboxService project. And…finished installing my #InwoodDrawings show at the L-Gallery at Cornerstone Studios, on the 3rd floor here at 178 Bennett Ave. Opening reception (and open studios) next Sunday, June 26 from 1-6pm. Hope you can make it! The show is open now…