Tag: londonplanetree
May 05, 2016 at 07:05PM
Lunchtime #drawing: A window like a ship’s wheel befitting this East River waterfront neighborhood, Vinegar Hill in Brooklyn. Numbers 67 (blue) and 69 (red) here on Belgian blocked Hudson Avenue, with a tree in between. According to the historic designation report, “The sub-cellar of No. 67 Hudson Avenue contains a doorway leading to a tunnel…
January 29, 2016 at 04:19PM
Lunchtime #drawing: Greek Revival buildings from the early 19th Century at 4-10 Grove Street, with dormer windows up top, and a London planetree with mottled bark dashing through the middle. Grove Street was called Cozine Street in 1809, and then Columbia Street in 1811. Next week my Literary Greenwich Village show opens at the Hudson…