Tag: eagle
February 25, 2016 at 01:05PM
Lunchtime #drawing: An eagle and some ornaments on this door at 25 Bethune Street, built in in 1836 and among a row of the best preserved Greek Revival residences in Greenwich Village. #NicksLunchboxService #GreekRevival #WestVillage #25BethuneStreet #BethuneStreet #frontdoor #door #greenwichvillage #art #architecture #eagle (at New York, New York) from Nick’s Lunchbox Service on Tumblr http://ift.tt/1Q4LReF…
December 07, 2015 at 12:58PM
Lunchtime #drawing: The tree going up beneath Washington Square Arch, and a lamp. Getting close to two full years of this drawing-a-day project! #NicksLunchboxService #washingtonsquarepark #washingtonsquarearch #art #architecture #ChristmasTree #nyc #georgewashington #eagle (at Washington Square Park) from Nick’s Lunchbox Service on Tumblr http://ift.tt/1OQ2oCh via IFTTT
July 01, 2015 at 12:55PM
Lunchtime #drawing: Stanford White’s 1892 Washington Square Arch in marble with a huge eagle and the letter “W” repeating here and there. That’s the same style lamp as yesterday’s drawing. #NicksLunchboxService #WashingtonSquare #NYU #WashingtonSquareArch #architecture #StanfordWhite #monument #eagle (at Washington Square Park Fountain Thiggy Majiggy) from Nick’s Lunchbox Service on Tumblr http://ift.tt/1LDur7E via IFTTT