Tag: christopherstreet
July 06, 2016 at 02:21PM
Lunchtime drawing: Marine Repair, a decades old hand-painted sign at 177 Christopher Street, not far from the Hudson River and built 1883-4. The building was in use for more than a century by maritime related plumbing, heating, cooling, electrical, and repair contractors, including Meier & Oelhaf Co. from Nick’s Lunchbox Service on Tumblr http://ift.tt/29it4QQ via…
June 15, 2016 at 02:09PM
Lunchtime #drawing: This graffiti covered building on Weehawken Street was the last to be built (1938) in the eponymous Historic District, on the Hudson River waterfront and on the former site of Newgate State Prison (1796-97). #NicksLunchboxService #WeehawkenStreet #ChristopherStreet #badlands #graffiti #NewgatePrison #art #architecture #greenwichvillage #388WestStreet (at Weehawken Street) from Nick’s Lunchbox Service on Tumblr…
June 14, 2016 at 05:06PM
Lunchtime #drawing: A memorial for Orlando at the Stonewall Inn, after last night’s vigil. #NicksLunchboxService #stonewallinn #weareorlando #art #architecture #memorial #rainbowflags #christopherstreet #westvillage (at Christopher Street Stonewall Place) from Nick’s Lunchbox Service on Tumblr http://ift.tt/1WMZR2i via IFTTT
October 28, 2015 at 04:35PM
Lunchtime #drawing: The corner of Bedford and Christopher Streets in the West Village, from under the awning at the Lucille Lortel Theatre, ducking out from the rain. #NicksLunchboxService #BedfordStreet #ChristopherStreet #architecture #rainyday #art #sketchbook #lucillelorteltheatre (at Lucille Lortel Theatre) from Nick’s Lunchbox Service on Tumblr http://ift.tt/1Hc9ziC via IFTTT
August 03, 2015 at 03:19PM
Lunchtime #drawing: Vines growing on the entrance gate to Christopher Park, with some ironwork mimicking double sided axes. #NicksLunchboxService #ChristopherStreet #ChristopherPark #WestVillage #Gateway #arch #vines #art (at Christopher Street Stonewall Place) from Nick’s Lunchbox Service on Tumblr http://ift.tt/1SWPEto via IFTTT
June 28, 2015 at 02:41PM
Lunchtime #drawing: Crowds at the Pride March, parading by on Christopher Street in the West Village. I’m overjoyed by the Supreme Court’s decision to legalize same-sex marriage across the nation. “No longer may this liberty be denied” – Justice Anthony M. Kennedy. #NicksLunchboxService #Pride #LoveWins #ChristopherStreet #WestVillage #marching #SCOTUS (at Gay Pride March New York)…