Tag: building
July 13, 2014 at 03:43PM
Lunchtime drawing: Two Rivers Brewing Company in Easton, PA, with an incredible turret. from Nick’s Lunchbox Service on Tumblr http://ift.tt/1sQfm7n via IFTTT
Later than lunchtime drawing: Building with gabled dormers (windows opening at the roof level) on Grove St by Bedford St in the West Village, to the right of the gate to Grove Court.
Lunchtime drawing: A short building sandwiched between two taller buildings on Water St. in Dumbo, with lots of sticker graffiti on its door.
Lunchtime drawing: The paint is peeling off the side of this building on the corner of Bank and Washington Street as to give it the appearance of sycamore tree bark.
Lunchtime drawing government shutdown edition: O’Toole Building, not ripped down yet. St. Vincent hospital across the street is mostly gone.
Lunchtime drawing government shutdown edition: Jefferson Market Library clock tower. I’ll be making a lunchtime drawing a day until the government starts up again!
UES Building awning keeping the doorman in shade. Note the coffee stain on the upper left. The dangers of drawing at lunch—coffee spills on your notebook!