Small Works for Big Change September 1 – October 31, 2020

Yesterday (Gregory & Paul’s) / Today (Paul’s Daughter), 2019, Watercolor and Pen & Ink on Paper, Each 4″ x 4″

Small Works for Big Change is an online art sale and fundraiser that brings together the work of artists based at the Brooklyn Navy Yard. All works are small in both stature—no larger than 24” x 24” x 24″—as well as price—not exceeding $600. All proceeds go directly to artists, with all artists donating a portion of their proceeds to the charity of their choice. Work featured includes photographs, painting, prints, furniture, and sculpture.  

During this unprecedented crisis, artists and designers have been some of the hardest hit economically due to COVID-19. This exhibition was organized by the Yard as part of its mission to support its creative community through direct sales opportunities. Small Works also serves as an initiative to support charities working tirelessly to support communities during this pandemic. 

The virtual exhibit will run over the course of two sessions: September 1-30 and October 1-31. Work will rotate and be added throughout both sessions, with many works created as limited editions and made available specifically for this opportunity. 

Participating Artists (Session One): Nina Edwards Anker, Tatiana Arocha, Nadia Belalia, Millie Benson, Paul Campbell, JC Cancedda, Robert Clark, Chris Cloutier, Noël Copeland, Nick Golebiewski, Evan Hughes Studio, Christina Jorro, Connor Lambrecht, Monique Luchetti, Jackie Meier, Amanda Pelham, Carleen Sheehan, Skilset, Pamela Talese