Category: Paintings
Street Vendors
A series of paintings celebrating Street Vendors in NYC. A portion of the sales of the original paintings and postcards support the Street Vendor Project, a membership-led organization that provides business, legal, and advocacy support to the 20,000+ street vendors in New York City. Prints available on Etsy. Series 1 of Street Vendor cards (blank…
New York Public Library
New York Public Library To celebrate NYPL 125 (The 125th anniversary of the New York Public Library, the Hudson Park Library asked Nick to paint the branch libraries of Lower Manhattan. We have to wait to exhibit these watercolors in person at the Hudson Park Library but we decided to start with an online exhibition…
“Forget it Jake, it’s Chinatown.” This series moves to Chinatown, NYC and continues to create two works, two juxtapositions of the same source image. I start with a photograph of an everyday city scene. From that, I make my first painting — a gouache on paper. It’s vibrant. It’s time and labor intensive. The result…